Daw amser prysur bwyso
Daw dydd o brysur bwyso
Daw dydd o bwyso cywir
Daw dydd o sobor bwyso

(Dydd o brysur bwyso)
Daw dydd o bwyso cywir,
  At ddynion cyn h'o hir
Tu yma i afon angau,
  Mae' mofyn am y gwir;
O deuwch pechaduriaid,
  Сyn ceffo'r drws ei gau,
Mae'r bywyd 'mron a darfod,
  A'r amser yn hwyrhau.

Dewch bechaduriaid aflan,
  I' mofyn am lanhad,
O de'wch ar frys nac oedwch,
  Wynebwch ar y gwaed;
Pan ddelo dydd y cyfri',
  Pryd hynny gwyn eich byd,
Os noddfa gewch gwybyddwch,
  Diengwch rhag y llid.

Fe losga'r greadigaeth,
  Fe ferwa'r moroedd mawr,
Fe d'wylla'r haulwen olau,
  Fe syrthia'r ser i lawr,
Fe welir Iesu'n dyfod,
  Fe g'wyd y meirw i'r lann,
Fe gryna'r annuwiolion,
  Fe gana Sion wan.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829
          - - - - -

Daw dydd o brysur bwyso
  Ar grefydd cyn bo hir;
Ceir gweld pwy sydd â sylwedd,
  A phwy sydd heb a gwir:
O! Dduw, rho im adnabod
  Ar f'ysbryd ôl dy law,
Cans dyna'r nod a'r ddelw
  Arddelir ddydda ddaw.
dydd o brysur :: amser prysur
brysur :: sobor

John Williams (Ioan ab Gwilym) 1728-1806

Tonau [7676D]:
Abertawe (Psalmydd Marot)
Aberystwyth (<1829)
Babel (alaw Seisnig)
Berth (alaw Gymreig)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Llangloffan (alaw Gymreig)
Rhagluniaeth (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
St Theodulph (St Mark) (c.1615 M Teschner)
Talybont (<1869)
Wilton Square (M Watts-Hughes 1842-1907)

  Atolwg Arglwydd gwrando
  Bydd myrdd o ryfeddodau
  Y Gŵr fu ar Galfaria

(The Day of Swift Reckoning)
The day of true reckoning shall come
  To men before long,
This side of the river of death,
  There is asking fo the truth;
O come ye sinners,
  Before the door gets closed,
The life is almost over,
  And the time becoming late.

Come ye unclean sinners,
  To ask for cleansing,
O come hurriedly, nor delay ye,
  Face the blood;
When the day of accounting shall come,
  Then blessed shall ye be,
If ye get knowledge of a refuge,
  Ye shall escape from the wrath.

Creation shall burn,
  The great seas shall boil,
The bright sunshine shall darken,
  The stars shall fall down,
Jesus shall be seen coming,
  He shall raise the dead up,
The ungodly shall tremble,
  Weak Zion shall sing.
              - - - - -

A day of swift reckoning is coming
  On religion before long;
It will be seen who is with substance,
  And who is without the truth:
O God, grant me to know
  Upon my soul the print of thy hand,
Since that is the mark and the image
  To be recognised on the coming day.
A day of swift :: A time of swift
swift :: serious

tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

(The Testing)

The day of true reckoning shall come
  To men before long,
This side of the river of death,
  There is asking fo the truth;
O come ye sinners,
  Before the door gets closed,
The life is almost over,
  And the time becoming late.

          - - - - -

A day for solemn trial
  Of men is drawing near,
Who has the hidden substance,
  Who dross, will then appear.
O God, let me experience
  Upon my heart thy grace;
That is the stamp and image
  Alone that day can pass.

1854 Joseph Morris

Tune [7676D]: unk. (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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